Fur Winter Ushanka Russian Hat with Secret Pocket and RED Star Emblem (Removable)
A Ushanka (also known as Trapper hat, Aviator hat, Shapka, Chapka etc.) is a traditional, yet stylish, Russian Military winter hat with ear and back flaps that can be left tied up or come down to cover your ears and neck. It's extremely warm to handle the frigid Russian winters. Made entirely of soft faux fur. This material is very strong and durable. The hat is lined in quilted cotton. Such hats were first used by Russian troops during WW2 to help them survive cold Russian winters and they're still used by the Russian army today! New, never worn. Direct from the factory. Made in Russia. We have these in three colors and 4 sizes European size Western size 58 Large; 60 X-Large; 62 XX-Large; and 64 XXX-LARGE. If they are to big or come to low just add some fabric or paper towel to the inside. All hats are shipped with a genuine Military red star emblem (not attached) . To attach, make tiny hole in the middle of front flap with awl or nail, insert pin, and bend it flat against the back of the visor. We are a direct importer of Russian Merchandise since 1997.
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Approximate Shipping: $0.00 (Standard delivery Worldwide)
List price: $0.00